Dear Baby Aya

My Dearest Baby Aya, As we count down to our 34th birthday in a few days, I am overwhelmed with a flood of emotions, knowing the journey that lies ahead for you. You are at the threshold of a remarkable adventure, one filled with joy, pain, triumphs, and heartaches. But amidst it all, there is…

2023 – a year never forgotten

I remember writing my 1st blog post of the year on January 9, 2023, with the quote from Rainer Marie that says, “And now we welcome a New Year – full of things never been,” and I went ahead to list all the things I needed to do this year with a caution tale of…

A little Catchup

Some days are Sad Girl days – lazy, staying a little longer in bed, ice cream and Netflix in a dark room, tear-drowned pillows, a few sniffles here and there, puffy eyes – you get the point. But other days – Bad Girl Days – focused, happy, a little twinkle in the eye, more deposits…

Aries Season

Aries: Courageous, Strong, Fiercely loyal, Driven, Hardworking, Uncpmplicated, Genuinely loving, and caring. I have had quite a few birthdays in my lifetime. LOL, and so many have been memorable – my first dolly in her stroller at age 5, my first real birthday party at age 18, my first pandemic birthday at age 30, and…

10 Questions with Daisy Sunshine

Bubbly, candid and passionate are a few words that come to my mind to describe Daisy. From her social media pages to her YouTube channel – Daisy Sunshine, she shares her experiences, from dating nights to birthing her babies to marriage counselling to tips on success and self-love. She shares a glimpse of the reality…

Dear Mugi

I’ve been having a lump in my throat for the past few days, and I told myself it was just the back-to-work feeling, the red rainy days, my favorite ice-cream being out of stock, just about anything to keep me from admitting the truth, and the truth is I MISS YOU. So, it’s been 11…

So it’s been over a week in 2023 and my! does everything look the same! LOL. I bet you thought I’d say new things, etc but no – it actually looks the same. The major difference is the way I feel. Every new year at the clock of midnight, I kneel down and say my…

Finding THAT Girl

So a few months have passed since I actually sat down and wrote something – no excuses but work and life have been taking me on an actual rollercoaster ride but I do apologize for the mini neglect, I’m going to do much better. This year (from the previous post) has been giving me a…

A little Catch up

It’s been a while since we last met and as you can tell – it’s been a very busy season. From back and forth trips to settling into my new role to filling in for different roles to trying to different changes in life to balance it all out with some fun. My life has…